Building a Positive Future
The Training Programmes in Deonach is delivered in a dynamic learning environment. We believe our educational programme to be distinctive in terms of the range of supports offered. A range of social and developmental programmes are incorporated into the timetable to ensure that all people who begin their education at Deonach can achieve their potential. Some of these include outdoor education programmes, sporting activities and cultural trips. Additional support is given in literacy, numeracy and resource teaching. All people who attend our training programme can access our therapeutic space. We believe our programme prepares our participants very well for opportunities and challenges in their future.
Target is a full-time training programme running Monday to Friday. Certification is QQI Level 3 Major Award in Employability Skills and Level 4 minor awards, preparing for the opportunity for entry-level to apprenticeships.
Access operates within a Flexible Learning Framework providing 1:1 support combined with structured activities and education and training opportunities.
The Link Youth Service
The Link is a high support Youth Justice Service working with young people aged 14- 18 years. An individualised programme takes into account the presenting needs and interests of the young person.
Women & Family Support Services
A 1:1 wrap-around support service is customised for every woman and families who engage with the project.
Therapeutic Support Service
Therapeutic Support Service responds to the day to day stresses and traumas affecting our participants.
Community Engagement
Community engagement is a way of developing a working relationship between the participants attending Deonach and the communities they live in.